Tuesday, 12 October 2010

It's nearly Christmas

Well it is in knitting terms, just around the corner!!

I have managed to knit three scarves ready for Christmas and convince my mum to have a knitted hat for Christmas, what a result.  This also means I can spend on some luscious yarn for my ma.  Roll on Fibre Flurry

I have been to my first knitting and stitching show at Ally Pally.  OMG there was so much to look at and be inspired by.  However I didn't know women from crafting circles can be so vicious over being able to sit down, once I did get to sit down I spoke with some lovely people from Wiltshire, South Africa & the States.

Inspiring others is such an honour, whether it be with Rico can can or sharing at the crafting network at work.  Knitting, beading, card making, crochet, sewing and maybe spinning all make me happy and want to share the love of crafting.

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